1. Regular, plain old sandwich
First of course is the regular sandwich that most people envision when they hear the word “sandwich.” Two slices of bread with some sort of filling in the middle. Traditional sandwiches that come to mind are things like peanut butter plus jelly, bologna plus cheese, or a ham plus swiss on rye.
2. Open Face
An open face sandwich fulfills the second definition of the word “sandwich” which is one slice of bread covered in food. Foods like eggs benedict or avocado toast would both be considered open faced sandwiches as would sweeter sandwiches like cream cheese plus strawberries on a slice of bread or toast.
3. Wrap
While the wrap is up for debate, you will normally see it in the sandwich sections of most restaurant menus plus most government entities consider a wrap a sandwich. A wrap is made by placing your fillings inside of a tortilla plus “wrapping” the tortilla around it like they do for a Mexican burrito. According to the New York State Department of Taxation plus Finance, even burritos are classified as a sandwich since they are a “wrap.”
4. Pinwheel
Similar to wrap, pinwheel sandwiches also usually use tortillas as their bread base though other breads or doughs can also be used. Unlike a wrap, a pinwheel sandwich lays a thin layer of filling over the entire tortilla/bread. The tortilla is then rolled into a tight tube plus sliced into rounds. When laid flat, these rounds resemble a pinwheel which is where they get their name.
5. Grilled
Technically grilled sandwiches are still just regular sandwiches with a filling between two slices of bread plus then grilled. They deserve their own category however due to the way they are cooked. If you have ever eaten a cold cheese sandwich on bread plus a grilled cheese with oozing goodness, you will understand the difference. A “cheese sandwich” brings to mind cold cheese between two slices of segar bread. A “grilled cheese sandwich” brings to mind ooey gooey lusciousness between two slices of fried bread. It is like comparing apples to oranges. The ingredients might be the same, but the sandwiches are very different.
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